Capita one housing and keyfax integration celebrations

29 September, 2022

Capita One Housing integration with Keyfax

We love working with our partners. And we love it when they re-integrate their latest web-based version of their housing management system with Keyfax. Which is exactly what Capita have been doing recently.

Thankfully, we have a secure and simple way to do that through the Keyfax REST API. Keyfax is host ‘agnostic’; it doesn’t mind what is launching it:

  • A Housing Management System, like onehousing;
  • Resource or Job Schedulers;
  • CRM systems, including MS Dynamics 365.

The latest integration with onehousing is now complete, but it is so new that we haven’t seen it end-to-end yet. So, we thought we’d share a quick preview, with a few screenshots showing where the launch buttons are.

Like an Amphibious Vehicle

As you would imagine, you might want to launch a repairs diagnostic from a few different places. For example, an advisor in the contact centre might look up a tenant that they had on the phone. They select a property associated with the tenant and then choose to log a repairs job. In that case, we might see this in onehousing:Search one housing for Person, property or job

Then, to step into the repairs diagnostic, you just hit the Keyfax button, bottom right. All the ‘person’ and ‘property’ information is passed through to Keyfax, to be used in the repairs diagnostic scripts.

When Keyfax has completed diagnosing the repair, all the information, along with the schedule of rates codes (SORs), is sent back to One Housing. These jobs can then be seen in the Hub:

SOR Results in Open Housing Hub

Sometimes the One Housing user is not an advisor in the contact centre. For example,  they could be a surveyor who doesn’t know who the tenant is. But they can still raise a job themselves, by searching for the property. Once they have found the property, they can launch Keyfax in the same way as an advisor:

Launch Keyfax from a property look up

Early Days 

This is ‘hot off the press’ and there is probably more to be added by Capita before this is released to customers. Including some explanation of how to use Keyfax as part of the Job Management help pages:

Keyfax user Help will be added to one housing

At Omfax, we like to think that it’s pretty straightforward to use Keyfax, but we’ll be adding some helpful words, when invited.

If you’re keen to get your hands on the latest One Housing-to-Keyfax integration, your best course of action is to liaise with your Capita account manager. Or, if you already have a Repairs Tool in-house, but would like to enjoy the benefits of intelligent diagnostics, then please talk to us about a Keyfax trial.

The only requirement on the Keyfax side is that you are using version 4.4.1 or later.

Star Wars Lego ModelAn Improved Diagnostics Script Model for Social Housing
Diagnostic Script Flow start windowDiagnostic Script Flows with Keyfax version 4.4+