Why Social Housing organisations choose Keyfax

There are many reasons that ALMOs and Housing Associations choose to work with us. We can only guess, but here’s why we think they like Keyfax, and working with us.

Why Housing Organisations Choose Keyfax
Here’s why we think social housing likes Keyfax.

Intelligent Scripting
The unique edge that Keyfax has, something that no other product offers.

Do you prefer your Diagnostics Hosted or on Premise? 
We can do either, which works for you?

Reports on Call Statistics 
We all need to know what’s happening, here’s how to get the low-down.

Customer Case Studies
Don’t take our word for it, read the customer case studies.

Technical Excellence 
Keyfax is supported by the people that developed the software.

Support, training & consultancy services
Keep you up-to-date and assist where needed.

Easy Integrations and Technical Partnerships
Implementations and extra features at your fingertips.

Our Products

Who we work with

Orbit Logo
Orbit Logo

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