Keyfax Reports on Call Statistics
- Discover who has dealt with the most customer enquiries today, this week, month or any period.
- Instantly see which are the most reported repair faults or most frequent incoming customer enquiries.
- Find out how many diagnostic scripts have been highlighted by advisors’ feedback, requesting a change.
- See how many enquiries have come through the customer service centre in total, over the past six months.
In addition, Keyfax Markers provide customers with a way to mark and monitor even more behavioural statistics.

Building Custom Reports with Markers
Keyfax Markers provide a simple, yet powerful way to count the number of times a particular script is run. More specifically, markers can count the times a particular path through a diagnostic script was taken. So, if you want to understand what generates all the contact centre calls, you can. Simply ask the advisors to categorise the source of the call as part of the script, using Markers.
One of our customers uses Keyfax markers extensively to produce management reports. One way they use Markers is in an “office visit” script. To understand how they might achieve more digital channel shift, it is useful to know why residents actually visit their offices. So when an office visit happens, the reason is recorded.
But markers can capture any script route, and can produce many valuable insights for management reporting.
Google Analytics Reporting
If the aim of your game is ‘digital channel shift’, you still need to understand what is happening on your self-service channels.
Therefore, customers using Repairs or Enquiries Online also enjoy free Google Analytics reporting. Which means that they can see, at any time, how Keyfax tenant self-service is being used.
In addition, Omfax will configure Google Analytics to email monthly reports of what is happening on your repairs portal.
Google Analytics is particularly useful for identifying trends, and seeing which devices your tenants use to connect. What’s more, you can see how many tenants are on the portal raising a repair, or enquiry, in real time.
To sum up, Keyfax has a range of reporting options that provide a wealth of management and day-to-day reporting.