Keyfax – Hosted, or on Premise?
But many customers are also looking for Software as a Service (SaaS), where Keyfax is hosted in the cloud. And Omfax is happy to offer this, through Keyfax Azure hosting. Whichever approach is best, is down to the customers policies and preferences.
Keyfax SaaS – Hosted on Azure
There are several benefits to customers adopting Keyfax as Saas:
- Firstly, there is no overhead for maintaining a virtual server, or multiple servers, if they need Test and Development systems.
- Secondly, Azure is an industry standard platform, offering guaranteed up-times, and the highest levels of network security.
- Thirdly, Omfax manage and monitor the Azure platform and add more resources as they are required, along with regular Keyfax upgrades.
But how does Keyfax deliver intelligent scripting when hosted on Azure? Typically, scripted Keyfax databoxes make SQL connections to other databases within the customers network. However, if Keyfax is now hosted in the cloud, how do those connections get made? The answer is, the Housing Management System (or KeyNamics) passes all the information the scripts need, at start-up.
New customers, starting with Keyfax on Azure, will need to do some thinking about what information the scripts will need. Alternatively, existing customers moving to Azure, will work closely with Omfax to identify what information is currently passed.
And since Keyfax is now hosted in the cloud, the Omfax development team have recently built a new RESTful API. Which means that our trusted partners can now integrate Keyfax with even higher levels of security than before.

Keyfax on Premise
Omfax continues to deliver on premise solutions to customers, where this is their preferred set-up or policy. Keyfax on Premise is a standard installation choice for customers old and new.
As well as being proven and robust, on premise installation gives the widest possibilities for using Keyfax databoxes. Consequently, those databoxes provide a wealth of extra information for building intelligent diagnostic scripts.